SESIÓN 2023-06-T |
052325013339 | 052325013340 | 052325013341 | 052255013347 | 052325013342 | 052325013343 | 052325013344 | 052325013345 | 052325013346 | 052325013347 | 052325013348 | 052325013349 | 052325013350 | 052325013351 | 052325013352 | 052325013353 | 052325013354 | 052325013355 | 052325013356 | 052325013357 | 052325013367 | 052325013368 | 052325013369 | 052325013358 | 052325013359 | 052325013360 | 052325013361 | 052325013362 | 052325013363 | 052325013364
052325013365 | 052325013366 |
052325013399 | 052325013400 | 052325013401 | 052325013403 | 052325013404 | 052325013406 | 052325013407 | 052325013408 | 052325013412 | 052325013413 | 052325012969 | 052325012968 | 052325013420 | 052325013370 | 052325013413 | 052325013414 | 052325013416 | 052325012850 | 052325013418 | 052325012973
052335005850 | 052935000010 |
052325013323 | 052325013324 | 052325013325 |
052325013326 | 052325012901 |
052325013327 |
SESIÓN 2024-09-T |
052325013162 |
052255001920 | 052325013321 |
052455-001105 |
SESIÓN 2024-06-T |
052325013257 | 052325013259 | 052325013262 |
052325013256 | 052325013260 | 052325013263 |
052325013258 | 052325013261 |
052325013265 | 052325013266 | 052325013269 |
052325013271 | 052325013267 | 052255013300 |
052495000414 | 052325013268 | 052325013272 |
052325013273 | 052325013264 | 052325013270 |
052255013347 | 052325013278 | 052255013320 |
052255013314 | 052325013276 | 052325013283 |
052255013346 | 052325013275 | 052325013284 |
052255013345 | 052325013282 | 052325013279 |
052325013277 | 052325013281 | 052325013274 |
052255013343 |
052325012591 | 052325013286 | 052325013285 |
052325013287 | 052325013255 |
052325013288 | 052255013085 | 052335005930 |
52325013224 | 52325013225 | 52325013226 |
52325013227 | 52325013228 | 52325013230 |
52325013231 | 52325013232 | 52325013233 |
52325013234 | 52325013235 |
52325013236 |
SESIÓN 2024-05-J |
052325013197 | 052325013179 | 052325013094 |
052325013105 | 052325013101 | 052325013106 |
052325013108 | 052325013107 | 052325013105 |
052325013102 | 052325013103 | 052325013181 |
052325013182 | 052325013183 | 052325013184 |
052325013185 | 052325013186 | 052325013100 |
052325013187 | 052325013188 | 052325013189 |
052325013190 | 052325013191 | 052325013192 |
052325013193 | 052325013194 | 052325013195 |
052325013095 | 052325013097 | 052325013142 |
052325013141 | 052325013127 | 052325013137 |
052325013130 | 052325013131 | 052325013128 |
052325013126 | 052325013135 | 052325013143 |
052325013132 | 052325013134 | 052325013138 |
052325013123 | 052325013139 | 052325013124 |
052325013125 | 052325013122 | 052325013129 |
052325013133 | 052325013121 | 052325013140 |
052325013136 | 052325013120 | 052325013114 |
052325013119 | 052325013117 | 052325013096 |
052325013176 | 052325013175 |
A2 |
012325013180 | 012325013178 | 052325013111 |
052325013110 | 052005-022314 | 052325013113 |
052255-013289 | 052255-013293 | 052255-013285 |
052255-013280 | 052255-013298 | 052255-013284 |
052255-013299 | 052255013126 | 052325013149 |
052325013147 | 052325013150 | 052325013152 |
052325013151 | 052325013154 | 052255013132 |
052325013196 | 052325013153 | 052325013148 |
052325013145 | 052325013144 | 052255013131 |
052255013298 | 052325013177 | 052325013174 |
052325012875 | 052325013098 | 052325012876 |
052325012866 | 052325012738 | 052325012743 |
052325012739 | 052255013229 | 052255013232 |
052255013231 | 052325013170 | 052325013169 |
052325013167 | 052325013159 | 052325013157 |
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052325013163 | 052325013164 | 052325013168 |
052325013165 | 052325013172 | 052325013161 |
052325013173 | 052325013158 |
B1 |
052325012937 | 052325012938 | 052255013141 |
052325013155 | 052325012757 | 052325012755 |
052325012760 | 052325012772 | 052325012759 |
052325012773 | 052325012771 |
B2 |
052325013156 | 052325-012756 |
SESIÓN 2024-05-J |
A1 |
052325013021 |
052325013022 |
A2 |
052325013023 |
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B1 |
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SESIÓN 2024-03-T |
052325-012997 |
052325012937 |
052523012938 |
052325013000 |
052523012999 |
052325013001 |
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052225013120 |
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052005021017 |
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052325002092 |
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052325002237 |
052255013085 |
052255013087 |
052455002739 |
052255013088 |
052455001556 |
052935000011 |
SESIÓN 2023-11-T |
052325-012977 | 052325-012975 | 052325-012976 |
052325-012968 | 052325-012974 | 052325-012973 |
052325-012971 | 052325-012972 | 052325-012969 |
052325-012621 | 052325-012630 | 052325-012620 |
052455-002075 | 052325-012980 | 052455-001228 |
052325-012981 | 052335-000832 |
SESIÓN 2023-10-J |
0523250-12966 | 0523250-12965 | 0523250-12964 |
0523250-12601 | 0523250-12602 | 0523250-12604 |
0523250-12603 | 0523250-12605 | 0523250-00011 |
SESIÓN 2023-09-T |
052325-012937 | 052325-012938 | 052325-012939 |
052325-012940 | 052455-001847 | 052255-002224 |
052325-002203 |
SESIÓN 2023-06-T |
052325-012911 | 052325-012912 | 052325-012913 |
052325-012914 | 052325-012915 | 052325-012916 |
052325-012917 | 052325-012918 | 052325-012919 |
052325-012920 | 052325-012921 | 052325-012922 |
052325-012923 | 052325-012924 | 052255-013071 |
052325-012925 | 052325-012926 | 052325-012927 |
052325-012928 | 052325-012930 | 052325-012929 |
052325-012933 | 052325-012931 | 052455-000632 |
052255-002850 | 052255-002852 |
DELF PRIM 2023-06-E |
A1 |
052325-012894 |
25/06/2012 |
A1 |
052325-012895 |
26/09/2012 |
A1 |
052325-012896 |
24/01/2014 |
A2 |
052325-012903 |
03/02/2011 |
A2 |
052325-012904 |
25/02/2011 |
A2 |
052325-012905 |
04/07/2011 |
A2 |
052325-012906 |
05/07/2012 |
A2 |
052325-012908 |
01/05/2012 |
A2 |
052325-012909 |
28/09/2012 |
SESIÓN 2023-05-T |
Origen: Alianza Francesa de Cuernavaca |
052325-012724 |
052325-012725 |
Origen: Colegio Miraflores |
052325-012727 | 052325-012728 | 052325-012729 | 052325-012730 |
052325-012731 | 052325-012732 | 052325-012733 | 052325-012734 |
052325-012735 | 052325-012736 | 052325-012737 | 052325-012738 |
052325-012739 | 052325-012740 | 052325-012741 | 052325-012742 |
052325-012743 | 052325-012744 | 052325-012745 | 052325-012763 |
052325-012764 | 052325-012765 | 052325-012766 | 052325-012767 |
052325-012768 | 052325-012753 | 052325-012754 | 052325-012756 |
052325-002867 | 052325-012758 |
Origen: Colegio Suizo |
052255-013093 | 052325-012748 | 052255-013153 | 052255-013080 |
052255-013098 | 052255-013102 | 052325-012755 | 052325-012757 |
052325-012759 | 052325-012760 | 052325-012761 | 052325-012762 |
052325-012769 | 052325-012771 | 052325-012772 | 052325-012773 |
052255-013106 | 052255-013094 | 052325-012774 | 052325-012777 |
052255-013099 | 052255-013113 | 052255-013095 | 052325-012782 |
052255-013104 | 052255-013100 | 052255-013103 | 052255-013108 |
052325-012787 | 052935-000003 | 052935-000027 |
Origen: Colegio Hellen Keller |
052325-012796 | 052325-012798 | 052325-012865 | 052325-012866 |
052325-012867 | 052325-012868 | 052325-012869 | 052325-012870 |
052325-012871 | 052325-012872 | 052325-012873 | 052325-012874 |
052325-012875 | 052325-012876 | 052325-012877 | 052325-012878 |
052325-012879 | 052325-012880 | 052325-012881 | 052325-012882 |
052325-012883 | 052325-012884 | 052325-012885 | 052325-012887 |
052325-012888 |052325-012889 | 052255-013103 | 052325-012890 |
Origen: Colegio Montes de Oca |
052325-012776 | 052325-012779 | 052325-012786 | 052325-012788 |
052325-012805 | 052325-012808 | 052325-012811 | 052325-012822 |
052325-012823 | 052325-012837 | 052325-012778 | 052325-012781 |
052325-012784 | 052325-012797 | 052325-012799 | 052325-012803 |
052325-012809 | 052325-012815 | 052325-012816 | 052325-012819 |
052325-012825 | 052325-012830 | 052325-012775 | 052325-012789 |
052325-012792 | 052325-012793 | 052325-012800 | 052325-012801 |
052325-012802 | 052325-012804 | 052325-012826 | 052325-012829 |
052325-012840 | 052325-012783 | 052325-012791 | 052325-012794 |
052325-012795 | 052325-012817 | 052325-012832 | 052325-012790 |
052325-012807 | 052325-012810 | 052325-012813 | 052325-012814 |
052325-012821 | 052325-012828 | 052325-012831 | 052325-012835 |
052325-012836 | 052325-012785 | 052325-012824 | 052325-012827 |
052325-012838 | 052325-012806 | 052325-012812 | 052325-012818 |
052325-012820 | 052325-012833 | 052325-012834 | 052325-012839 |
052325-012843 | 052325-012847 | 052325-012848 | 052325-012849 |
052325-012851 | 052325-012852 | 052325-012861 | 052325-012862 |
052325-012864 | 052325-012841 | 052325-012845 | 052325-012846 |
052325-012850 | 052325-012857 | 052325-012863 | 052325-012853 |
052325-012858 | 052325-012842 | 052325-012844 | 052325-012854 |
052325-012855 | 052325-012856 | 052325-012860 |
SESIÓN 2023-03-T |
052325-012647 |
052255-013212 |
052255-013188 |
052255-013184 |
052325-002421 |
052325-012648 |
052255-001650 |
052325-012650 |
052325-012651 |
SESIÓN 2023-02-T |
052455-003177 |
052325-012183 |
052325-012644 |
SESIÓN 2022-11-T |
052325-012624 |
052325-012621 |
052325-012622 |
052325-012623 |
052325-012617 |
052325-012618 |
052325-012619 |
052325-012620 |
052325-012627 |
052325-012633 |
052325-012630 |
052325-012626 |
052325-012629 |
052325-012588 |
052325-012637 |
052325-012634 |
052325-012635 |
052325-012639 |
052325-012640 |
052325-012638 |
052325-012641 |
SESIÓN 2022-10-J |
052325-012600 |
052325-012601 |
052325-012602 |
052325-012603 |
052325-012604 |
052325-012605 |
052325-012606 |
052325-002607 |
SESIÓN 2022-09-T |
052325-012589 |
052325-012588 |
052325-012587 |
052325-012591 |
052325-012592 |
052325-012590 |
052325-012593 |
052325-002421 |
052325-012595 |
052325-002183 |
052325-002274 |
052325-002267 |
052325-012597 |
052455-002269 |
052455-003064 |
052455-003063 |
052325-002234 |
052325-012598 |
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium,
totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui
ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Lorem ipsum was conceived as filler text, formatted in a certain way to enable the
presentation of graphic elements in documents, without the need for formal copy. Using Lorem Ipsum allows designers to
put together layouts and the form of the content before the content has been created, giving the design and production
process more freedom.
Ullamcorper nascetur laoreet parturient vulputate potenti nullam sociis egestas aliquam, non ridiculus enim sollicitudin
tristique feugiat fermentum iaculis. Cubilia ultricies ante tristique aptent mattis at integer aliquam, per accumsan augue dapibus vulputate
purus arcu tempus duis, phasellus tincidunt auctor torquent elementum porttitor praesent. Dictum volutpat himenaeos rhoncus vivamus aliquet commodo,
augue ad malesuada urna habitasse euismod elementum, condimentum lobortis ornare nullam nibh.
Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons.
Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start.
Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world.
Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish.
Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.
Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons.
Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start.
Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world.
Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish.
Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.
Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons.
Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start.
Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world.
Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish.
Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.
Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons.
Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start.
Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world.
Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish.
Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.
Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons.
Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start.
Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world.
Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish.
Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.
Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons.
Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start.
Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world.
Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish.
Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.